Inspiring students, I believe is one of the most important things to do
when becoming a teacher. More recently, technology has also become an important
factor in helping to inspire these students and motivate them the same.
Currently, it is important as future teachers to find a way to utilize
technology and incorporate it into lessons. For example, there was a video
presented in my Digital Learning Class about a teacher that made a video for
her future students that were supposed to be attending her class that year. The
video involved her showing the class the technology that they would be using
and showing them around the classroom as a way to
give them an idea or a visual
of where they would be learning and what they would be using that school year.
Upon recording the room, she stopped at a quote she had on her door that said
“I believe in you” and I thought that this was important. I find that quote to
be quite encouraging because it lets the students know that their teacher is
there to support them and believe in them if they need any guidance or
assistance. I also like the idea of the video because it relieves any anxiety
that any of the students may be feeling about starting their first day of
school. This is also a great way to show the parents where their children
will be learning and an idea of what the classroom atmosphere will look like. Here is a glimpse of the video below.
for one wish that my teachers had done this because I always had anxiety with
starting a new year and wondering what the classroom would look like and which
students were in my class or even how my teacher looked like. Knowing that this
is an option, I will be now using this idea for my future class as it is a
great way to introduce yourself as a teacher to not only the students but to the
parents as well.
It was noted in one of the videos that students remember 70% of what they
learn and 90% of what they do. I found this to be interesting because I did not
realize that the percentage would be so high. With knowing this, active
learning is essential. Students need to be exposed to more activities and hands
on materials than just listening to a lecturer or teacher talk about a topic.
Group work and discussing ideas can help students with this problem as well as
seating arrangements in the classroom. Placing desks in groups or even a half
circle around the teacher can encourage inclusivity as well as participation.
It is essential for students to be active participants as this will encourage critical
thinking and communication and active engagement of the lesson. As mentioned,
the three key factors that help motivate students to achieve or complete work
is autonomy, mastery and purpose. I feel as though if students contain these
factors, they will be well on their way to succeeding. With going back to using
technology as a way to inspire students to be active, I feel as though it
assists in making advancements in the classroom and develop new ways of
interacting. There are so many different ways to incorporate technology in the
classroom. One of the ways is having one steady blog and having students upload
their thoughts on lessons or what they are feeling to the blog. I will be taking some of these ideas with me and would encourage some of you to give these a try. Let me know what you all think on what you feel inspire student learning!
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