Hi there! This is an audio note of my inquiry project. My topic covered video conferencing and whether it enhances or hinders learning in students. Video Conferencing is defined as "a synchronous model for interactive voice, video and data transfer between two or more groups or people" (Candarli 357). With knowing this, many people use video conferencing now to connect with different people all over the world. It is actually quite exciting and quite an advancement. Isaac Pineda who is a blogger has talked about breaking down the learning barriers or "classroom walls" and this can allow for motivation to grow along with a sense of audience and communication skills. With knowing this, video conferencing will definitely make a difference and enhance the overall learning experience in the classroom environment. As an aspiring teacher, video conferencing will allow me to not only connect with other teachers but also get the opportunity to connect with other students in different parts of the world. This is allowing for collaboration with other important tools in education. This paves the way for a much more advanced future and gives options for teaching lessons. This will improve teaching while at the same time develop an integrated learning experience.
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