Hi Everyone! I am stepping out of my comfort zone and have decided to share my final reflection vlog/video with you all. I am nervous but it is just a bit of what I have learned so far in the course. Please tell me what you guys think! :)
3239 FBO
Helen DeWaard
December 2016
Final Reflection
In Digital Learning, there were a few goals I set.
One of the goals I decided to set for myself was figuring out how I can
incorporate digital content or technology into the classroom. More so recently,
technology seems to be used very prominently in schools especially appearing in
the classroom at much younger grade levels. Therefore, the goal that I had
set focused on collaborating technology into the classroom. For example,
students in grade 1 are getting IPads to use in the classroom as a form of
their learning education. I usually associated IPads as something that was used
for entertainment so to know that they can be incorporated into a learning setting
is mind opening. Continuing with my goal, I wanted to know different ways and
strategies to support my goal with incorporating this technology in order to
teach students. I like to think that I am up to date with the latest technology,
however, when it comes to teaching, I find myself being very old school and use
to everything being written down on a chalkboard or even information given out
by the use of paper handouts. With this goal, I found that I showed progress by
looking up different activities that can be done in the classroom using IPads
or using computers. For example, IPads create a more hands-on experience which
is not only fun for the students but also very easy and resourceful for
teachers. IPads and computers are also great communication tools, very easy to
use and user friendly to students with disabilities; so it incorporates
everyone. It allows for a different method to be used which shows growth and
transition as a teacher.
Another goal I set
for myself was based more towards the course content and it was figuring out
how to work a blog but also learn how to blog. I also wanted to know how
blogging can help connect you with other educators around the world. Blogging
is writing about different topics or thoughts or even ideas that you may have
and posting those thoughts online. Blogging can almost be seen as having a
public online journal. People may then read your thoughts and comment, suggest
or even compliment on your said thought or idea. Blogging is a worldwide thing
and when done can be very beneficial. For monitoring my process for this goal,
I needed to post regularly and get the opinions of my colleagues of what they
thought about my blog posts. I was more so wondering if what I was writing
about was reflecting me well or if the information seemed boring and
uninteresting. By monitoring this goal, I used peer editing with two other
students to review what I was doing. Of course I received constructive feedback
and was able to really understand that I need to be myself and first write
about things that made me happy and the rest would come naturally. I feel like
my thoughts of where I started to where I am now, is so much broader because I
have a better understanding of the concept of digital learning and how to
better manage it.

I then
demonstrated understanding and processes of topics by applying them to my blog.
The things that were taught weekly to me in class were all secondary goals to
help me complete my big goal which was to figure out how to blog. One of the
tasks was to do an inquiry research project and my topic was about the pros and
cons of whether video conferencing enhances or hinders learning. I found out
that video conferencing is very beneficial and helps provide not only
opportunities for students who are unable to travel very far for school, but it
helps connect educators with other educators from all over the world. By doing
this inquiry based project and then sharing them with some of the students in
the class, it helped build relationships with some of those students as well.
Another great representation that was used was a word cloud which I thought was
very valuable. Word clouds are used as visual aids and can be very helpful.
They can be used for surveys in class or even as a teaching lesson and then
using it to show the class to reveal what the majority of the class thought or
are thinking the same seeing as the words get bigger when they are typed or
used the most. Word clouds are also engaging and allow for connections to be
made. They can stimulate conversation and discussion and share results in a fun
and creative way.

My strategies for teaching drastically changed
over the time period of this course. I came in with a very one sided mentality
of teaching meaning that I assumed there was always a certain way to do
something and if it was not done that way then it would either be wrong or
receive no results. This class has given me ideas to hopefully take on to my
future classroom. For example, with a tool called Cube. This is a collaborative
tool to help organize resources and links into topics or even units of study. I
think that is extremely helpful especially when trying to have yourself structured
as a teacher. This class teaches on inspiring learning with technology. Technology
allows you to experiment and try something new. Technology also allows us to
get in touch with the digital world as it is becoming something that is
prominent in this era. It helps using technology as a tool to connect with students
as well. That there are ways and different methods where technology can be a
solution to help and assist instead of being something that hinders students.
I felt that I built connections with other
sources by the blog comment exercises that were given during class. Those
really helped in building connections and relationships with students in the
classroom. It also allowed me to connect with what was being written and
allowed my mind to think outside the box and use critical and creative thinking.
I feel like it improved my writing a lot. Doing blog comments helped give
experience to knowing how to write a quality comment that not only supports the
writer but allows you as the reader to make connections with what is being
written. I definitely feel a lot more confident in my writing along with the
thoughts that I do have in my mind. My thinking was mostly changed by Professor
Helen because she allowed for growth to be made. She encouraged us to write
about our thoughts and think like an educator and that really allowed me to get
into the mindset of a teacher. She also gave us different methods of thinking
and doing stuff and giving ideas on what can be used to really help incorporate
digital aspects. Things such as using our voice and platform to getting across
to students. This can be done through video messaging or even having audio
clips given to students to showcase a different type of medium than what they
are used to. I also learned about using the 6 C’s to engage students. They are Collaboration:
engages the individual in the world through association, Citizenship: allows
individual to be in touch with their world and others around them, Character:
where the individual expresses who they are, Communication: helps provide the
means in which the individual can present information, Critical Thinking: which
allows the individual to manage information and Creativity: this provides the
medium for expression.

I was able to demonstrate
using a PLN when commenting on other student’s blogs. By doing that, I was
opening the connection to learn as well as opening the possibility to build
relationships with other bloggers and educators. I engaged in using PLE by the different tools
and resources that I go to for help in using my PLN. Resources such as the Lakehead
library or even social media platforms such as twitter. This is in relation to
help meet the different needs of students. This can also help by learning the
interests of my students and adjusting my teaching based on that knowledge. By
making myself available and creating a safe and approachable environment, will
I then be able to build my network.
One of the mistakes that I made was at the
beginning in not realizing that as soon to be educators, I would need to know
about digital citizenship and digital learning. I felt that a digital citizen
was just someone who was careful with what they put out there on the internet
and that it was something that was common sense. But through learning and by
spending time to know what a digital citizen is, will be very beneficial to me
in the long run. What I did not realize was how important it is to become a
digital citizen. The internet can be helpful but if not used correctly and
appropriately can be something that is dangerous. There needs to be a certain
etiquette when being online. I learned that by first setting the ground rules,
only then will students be able to become better digital citizens as well but
also better digital learners. For example, the digital passport game. This game
is intended for 3rd to 5th grades for independent
learning. This game is very fun and engaging and addresses important key issues
that children are facing today in the digital world. This game teaches digital
safety, respect and community. This game is such a clever, fun and interactive
way to help get across the message of becoming a better digital citizen as well
as an even better digital learner.
One of the
connections I made within my work is how prominent social media is when it
comes to teachers. I have always seen social media as a medium where a lot of
people communicate for fun. I never really looked as it as a kind of medium
where teachers can use to connect with their students. I find that by doing
that, it works wonders because you are able to be using something that is
relatable to them but by making it educational so that it balances out in using
something fun that can be used as a learning tool. By using information such as
the 6 C’s, I find that it can therefore help with creating lesson plans and
units. With this, I find that I can use tools such as plan board or thumbprint
as help in creating plans that are both fun and effective.
My thinking was challenged
in various ways. I was challenged first by other students in the class. They
made me want to work harder to really understand the process of digital
learning. I was also challenged by
Professor Helen and Steven of course to expand my thinking and really strive to
improve my thoughts and opinions in writing. Professor Helen is also helpful in
helping the class find their voice. This is shown through my blog comments or
through my blog posts where my thoughts and ideas are shown and have definitely
grown. I have taken on a more expressive and creative form of writing and just
want to try different ideas now that I am aware of some of the digital content
taught in this class. Through these things I learned that I am a passionate
writer and I am really passionate about being a teacher and just finding better
ways and methods to educate students. 
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