A part from teaching and music, I am an extremely athletic person. I played sports throughout a good portion of my life. Soccer is one of my favourite sports and it is a sport that I have played the longest. I played both in school as well as outside leagues. I also played both all girls soccer as well as co-ed. It was something that my family was very invested in. My brother also played as well and was just something my family really bonded over. I just love soccer; it has a bit of aggression mixed with the adrenaline and rush of trying to score. I love it. I miss it all the time and find myself wishing I can rewind back time and go back to when I played. Another sport that I played was volleyball. I played for 4 years and it was the best. It was a slightly different experience because I went from playing a sport that I was only allowed to use my feet to a sport that required you to only use your hands so there was a bit of contrast there. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed it. I also played badminton and ran track and field. What many people do not realize about badminton is that it is actually a competitive sport. I had played for fun but it was something that was taken seriously. Needless to say, that is why I only played for 2 years. However, I did run track for a long time. Some of the events I did for track was the 4x1 relay and 400 metre run. That really helped with playing soccer. I also ran cross country for a bit which was very tiring but helped keep my stamina up. Knowing that I played all these sports kind of makes me sad when I realize that I don't play as much of them anymore because I hardly have the time for it. I really want to get back into doing some of them again because playing sports is what keeps me in shape and helps relieve stress.
The purpose of my blog is to shed light on some interesting topics and give my opinion or outlook on some technology aspects. Also, I want my blog to showcase my voice and personality and my growth from taking digital education. My blog is for all age groups to enjoy. It will be filled with educational as well as fun content so definitely peruse through the pages and don't hesitate to comment or ask questions.
A part from all of that, I am a very silly and humorous person. I like to think that I write a lot more when I am passionate about what I am talking about or if I understand what I am talking about. One interesting thing that readers should know about me is that I am a shoe-a-holic; meaning that I love and have many shoes. Some people collect coins, or collect antiques, I collect shoes. I don't really care about where I get my clothes sometimes or how much I spend on clothes but I will spend a good amount on shoes. Something about the way they look and the different styles and patterns attract me. Also for me, shoes allows you to show your personality and who you are a person so I also like that aspect. Sadly though my mother has put me on a time out so I have taken a break on collecting shoes. Moving on, my favourite ice-cream is called Grape-nut and it is a Caribbean ice-cream. I really recommend it. It is not what it sounds like or what you read here and does not taste like grape but more like vanilla with some cashew type nut mixed inside. It is incredibly delicious and should definitely be tried if you are feeling spontaneous or just in the mood for something new.
Well, now that you guys have a slight sense of who I am and what I am about, I hope you enjoy browsing through my blog! Don't be afraid to leave a comment, all feedback is welcome. Happy Reading! :)

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