Wednesday 2 November 2016

Teacher Quiz!

Hey everyone! Welcome back. What you are all seeing today is a google form that I created in class as a part of one of the lessons that was taught. This is an incredible way to help gather information from your class when you need a quick response. There are many different templates to choose from as well. Using these forms gave me an idea to use them as quick ways to test my future class. If I wanted to give a quick quiz to test what they know, I can simply use a google form and it will get the job done. It is extremely easy to use and actually fun... but maybe that's just me. I usually find fun in the simplest of things. I had no idea how to use a google form before coming into the class. If you want to figure out how to make fun and easy surveys, quizzes or even self assessments for your class, click --> google form and it will take you to an easy and accessible link that is extremely helpful. You will not regret taking the time to make a google form. But, before you do that, take a few minutes to fill out the fun and quick survey that I provided below. It is my first ever template and I have to say, for my first time, I am pretty proud of it. Try it out :)

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